How to Be Microsoft ImagineCup Winner
How to Be Microsoft ImagineCup Winner: * Who is eligible to participate. * ImagineCup's Roadmap. * What are the key of success. * Discussion. Meetup Link
How to Be Microsoft ImagineCup Winner: * Who is eligible to participate. * ImagineCup's Roadmap. * What are the key of success. * Discussion. Meetup Link
Bader Weekly Meeting 8 Tasks to Review: * Reviewing project progress. * Discussing projects' reports. * Prototypes apps revision. PS: This event is limited to Bader 5 members. Meetup Link
Cloud Computing with Microsoft Azure * Why the cloud? * What is Microsoft Azure? * Cloud Computing * Azure Services * New Azure Portal Meetup Link
Bader Weekly Meeting 7 Tasks to Review: * Reviewing project progress. * Discussing projects' reports. * Prototypes apps revision. PS: This event is limited to Bader 5 members. Meetup Link
Main topics: * What's new in SQL Server 2016 * Always Encrypted * Backup to Microsoft Azure * Dynamic Data Masking * High Availability Enhancements * In-Memory OLTP * Format…